Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Music Score: Violence in England

A good friend of mine suggested me to find the right music for most recent major events, something like musically scoring the news. I thought it was a great idea, so I'm giving it a try. I will start by posting ideas onto this blog, but some day I might want to simply name a headline and post it on twitter, we'll see how this develops (oh, by the way, you can follow me on twitter @lele_melo)

I find it sort of mandatory starting up with the news that have been filling up most front pages in the papers these last two days: the riots in London. There are a couple of tunes that would ring in my head, all of them are hard rockers that's for sure, from Rage Against the Machine's Township Rebellion (although I would pick that one because of the music and title, not because of the lyrics), to Weekend Warrior or Invaders (cause of the looting) both are Iron Maiden's. Anyway, I really think it should be some British band or artist, so I'll have to dismiss RATM. Weekend Warrior talks about hooligans and could be really proper, well at least the impression I'm getting here outside of England through the foreign media, is that it's all about ordinary vandalism in a very vulgar way, there are no social demands as we've seen in other countries recently, eventhough it did start as some sort of demand after a guy died because of police firing at him, but it seems as a lot of people has found in this shameful act, the reason to discharge their anger, their wrath and frustrations  (just like hooligans in a football game), it started in London, but it spreaded to other cities such as Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham...

But definitely, I think we all know which one is the most proper song amongst all, or at least that's what it seems to me. We've got radical riots on the streets, which are very anarchic, in the UK, with some sort of punk attitude to it, despite the dressing code... It does seem as if the Sex Pistols hit the nail when they said "Anarchy in the UK, it's coming sometime..."

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